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Produkte zum Begriff Incident Response:

  • Computer Forensics: Incident Response Essentials
    Computer Forensics: Incident Response Essentials

    Every computer crime leaves tracks–you just have to know where to find them. This book shows you how to collect and analyze the digital evidence left behind in a digital crime scene. Computers have always been susceptible to unwanted intrusions, but as the sophistication of computer technology increases so does the need to anticipate, and safeguard against, a corresponding rise in computer-related criminal activity. Computer forensics, the newest branch of computer security, focuses on the aftermath of a computer security incident. The goal of computer forensics is to conduct a structured investigation to determine exactly what happened, who was responsible, and to perform the investigation in such a way that the results are useful in a criminal proceeding. Written by two experts in digital investigation, Computer Forensics provides extensive information on how to handle the computer as evidence. Kruse and Heiser walk the reader through the complete forensics process–from the initial collection of evidence through the final report. Topics include an overview of the forensic relevance of encryption, the examination of digital evidence for clues, and the most effective way to present your evidence and conclusions in court. Unique forensic issues associated with both the Unix and the Windows NT/2000 operating systems are thoroughly covered. This book provides a detailed methodology for collecting, preserving, and effectively using evidence by addressing the three A's of computer forensics: Acquire the evidence without altering or damaging the original data. Authenticate that your recorded evidence is the same as the original seized data. Analyze the data without modifying the recovered data. Computer Forensics is written for everyone who is responsible for investigating digital criminal incidents or who may be interested in the techniques that such investigators use. It is equally helpful to those investigating hacked web servers, and those who are investigating the source of illegal pornography.

    Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Computer Incident Response and Product Security
    Computer Incident Response and Product Security

    Computer Incident Response and Product Security   The practical guide to building and running incident response and product security teams   Damir Rajnovic   Organizations increasingly recognize the urgent importance of effective, cohesive, and efficient security incident response. The speed and effectiveness with which a company can respond to incidents has a direct impact on how devastating an incident is on the company’s operations and finances. However, few have an experienced, mature incident response (IR) team. Many companies have no IR teams at all; others need help with improving current practices. In this book, leading Cisco incident response expert Damir Rajnovi´c presents start-to-finish guidance for creating and operating effective IR teams and responding to incidents to lessen their impact significantly. Drawing on his extensive experience identifying and resolving Cisco product security vulnerabilities, the author also covers the entire process of correcting product security vulnerabilities and notifying customers. Throughout, he shows how to build the links across participants and processes that are crucial to an effective and timely response. This book is an indispensable resource for every professional and leader who must maintain the integrity of network operations and products—from network and security administrators to software engineers, and from product architects to senior security executives.       -Determine why and how to organize an incident response (IR) team     -Learn the key strategies for making the case to senior management     -Locate the IR team in your organizational hierarchy for maximum effectiveness     -Review best practices for managing attack situations with your IR team     -Build relationships with other IR teams, organizations, and law enforcement to improve incident response effectiveness     -Learn how to form, organize, and operate a product security team to deal with product vulnerabilities and assess their severity     -Recognize the differences between product security vulnerabilities and exploits     -Understand how to coordinate all the entities involved in product security handling     -Learn the steps for handling a product security vulnerability based on proven Cisco processes and practices     -Learn strategies for notifying customers about product vulnerabilities and how to ensure customers are implementing fixes   This security book is part of the Cisco Press Networking Technology Series. Security titles from Cisco Press help networking professionals secure critical data and resources, prevent and mitigate network attacks, and build end-to-end, self-defending networks.    

    Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Computer Incident Response and Product Security
    Computer Incident Response and Product Security

    Computer Incident Response and Product Security   The practical guide to building and running incident response and product security teams   Damir Rajnovic   Organizations increasingly recognize the urgent importance of effective, cohesive, and efficient security incident response. The speed and effectiveness with which a company can respond to incidents has a direct impact on how devastating an incident is on the company’s operations and finances. However, few have an experienced, mature incident response (IR) team. Many companies have no IR teams at all; others need help with improving current practices. In this book, leading Cisco incident response expert Damir Rajnovi´c presents start-to-finish guidance for creating and operating effective IR teams and responding to incidents to lessen their impact significantly. Drawing on his extensive experience identifying and resolving Cisco product security vulnerabilities, the author also covers the entire process of correcting product security vulnerabilities and notifying customers. Throughout, he shows how to build the links across participants and processes that are crucial to an effective and timely response. This book is an indispensable resource for every professional and leader who must maintain the integrity of network operations and products—from network and security administrators to software engineers, and from product architects to senior security executives.       -Determine why and how to organize an incident response (IR) team     -Learn the key strategies for making the case to senior management     -Locate the IR team in your organizational hierarchy for maximum effectiveness     -Review best practices for managing attack situations with your IR team     -Build relationships with other IR teams, organizations, and law enforcement to improve incident response effectiveness     -Learn how to form, organize, and operate a product security team to deal with product vulnerabilities and assess their severity     -Recognize the differences between product security vulnerabilities and exploits     -Understand how to coordinate all the entities involved in product security handling     -Learn the steps for handling a product security vulnerability based on proven Cisco processes and practices     -Learn strategies for notifying customers about product vulnerabilities and how to ensure customers are implementing fixes   This security book is part of the Cisco Press Networking Technology Series. Security titles from Cisco Press help networking professionals secure critical data and resources, prevent and mitigate network attacks, and build end-to-end, self-defending networks.    

    Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • The Broadcast Incident
    The Broadcast Incident

    Vor Jahren verschwand seine Frau unter mysteriösen Umständen. Seitdem leidet James (Harry Shum Jr.) unter Alpträumen. Ablenkung findet er in seiner Arbeit als Video-Archivar. Beim Sichten alter TV-Nachrichten stößt er auf verstörende Interferenzen. Maskierte Hacker erscheinen im Bild, erzählen seltsame Dinge. Obsessiv macht sich James auf die Suche - und stellt schon bald eine Verbindung zu seiner vermissten Frau her.

    Preis: 2.99 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Was sind die grundlegenden Schritte für eine effektive Incident Response in Unternehmen?

    1. Erkennung des Vorfalls durch Überwachungssysteme und Alarme. 2. Reaktion auf den Vorfall durch Isolierung des betroffenen Systems und Sammlung von Beweisen. 3. Wiederherstellung des Systems durch Beseitigung der Schwachstelle und Implementierung von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zur Verhinderung zukünftiger Vorfälle.

  • Wie kann ein effektives Incident Response-Team die Auswirkungen eines Sicherheitsvorfalls minimieren?

    Ein effektives Incident Response-Team sollte über klare Prozesse und Verantwortlichkeiten verfügen, um schnell auf Sicherheitsvorfälle reagieren zu können. Sie sollten regelmäßig Schulungen und Übungen durchführen, um gut vorbereitet zu sein. Zudem ist eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Abteilungen und externen Partnern entscheidend, um die Auswirkungen eines Sicherheitsvorfalls zu minimieren.

  • Was sind die Schlüsselschritte bei der Entwicklung eines effektiven Incident Response Plans?

    1. Identifizierung von potenziellen Bedrohungen und Schwachstellen. 2. Festlegung von klaren Verantwortlichkeiten und Kommunikationswege. 3. Regelmäßige Überprüfung, Aktualisierung und Training des Plans.

  • Was sind die wichtigsten Schritte bei der Erstellung eines effektiven Incident Response-Plans?

    1. Identifizierung von potenziellen Bedrohungen und Schwachstellen im System. 2. Festlegung von klaren Verantwortlichkeiten und Kommunikationswege im Falle eines Vorfalls. 3. Regelmäßige Überprüfung, Aktualisierung und Testung des Plans, um sicherzustellen, dass er im Ernstfall effektiv ist.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Incident Response:

  • The Broadcast Incident (DVD)
    The Broadcast Incident (DVD)

    Vor Jahren verschwand seine Frau unter mysteriösen Umständen. Seitdem leidet James (Harry Shum Jr.) unter Alpträumen. Ablenkung findet er in seiner Arbeit als Video-Archivar. Beim Sichten alter TV...

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  • The Gracefield Incident (DVD)
    The Gracefield Incident (DVD)

    Matthew Donovan (Mathieu Ratthe) hat seit einem Jahr ein künstliches Auge, nachdem er seines bei einem Unfall verloren hat. In dieses hat er eine Handykamera eingebaut, um beim bevorstehenden Trip in...

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  • Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
    Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

    Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

    Preis: 1.19 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Greyhill Incident EN EU
    Greyhill Incident EN EU

    Classic alien invasion story Sneak through Greyhill's vast spaces. As you make your way through the village and discover the Alien Conspiracy, inves

    Preis: 24.30 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Was sind die wichtigsten Schritte bei der Entwicklung eines effektiven Incident Response Plans?

    1. Identifizierung von potenziellen Bedrohungen und Schwachstellen. 2. Festlegung von klaren Verantwortlichkeiten und Kommunikationswege. 3. Regelmäßige Überprüfung, Aktualisierung und Training des Plans.

  • Wie können Unternehmen ihre Incident Response Prozesse optimieren, um angemessen auf Sicherheitsvorfälle zu reagieren?

    Unternehmen können ihre Incident Response Prozesse optimieren, indem sie klare Richtlinien und Verantwortlichkeiten festlegen, regelmäßige Schulungen für Mitarbeiter durchführen und Tools zur Automatisierung von Prozessen implementieren. Zudem sollten sie regelmäßige Tests und Übungen durchführen, um die Effektivität der Prozesse zu überprüfen und Verbesserungspotenziale zu identifizieren. Eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit externen Experten und Behörden kann ebenfalls dazu beitragen, eine schnelle und angemessene Reaktion auf Sicherheitsvorfälle zu gewährleisten.

  • Was sind die wichtigsten Schritte, die ein Unternehmen bei der Incident Response beachten sollte?

    1. Erstellung eines Incident Response Plans, der klare Verantwortlichkeiten und Abläufe festlegt. 2. Schnelle Erkennung und Kategorisierung des Vorfalls, um angemessen reagieren zu können. 3. Dokumentation des Vorfalls, um Maßnahmen zu analysieren und zukünftige Vorfälle zu verhindern.

  • Wie können Unternehmen ihre Incident Response-Strategie optimieren, um effektiv auf Sicherheitsvorfälle reagieren zu können?

    Unternehmen können ihre Incident Response-Strategie optimieren, indem sie klare Prozesse und Verantwortlichkeiten festlegen, regelmäßige Schulungen für Mitarbeiter durchführen und Tools zur Automatisierung von Reaktionen implementieren. Zudem sollten sie regelmäßige Simulationen von Sicherheitsvorfällen durchführen, um die Reaktionsfähigkeit zu testen und zu verbessern. Eine kontinuierliche Überwachung der IT-Infrastruktur und ein schneller Informationsaustausch mit relevanten Partnern sind ebenfalls entscheidend für eine effektive Reaktion auf Sicherheitsvorfälle.

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